
Thursday Karnak Louxor Dendérah
08:30-09:00 Registration & Breakfast
09:00-10:30 BGP for developers and sysadmins

Peter Hessler

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

DTrace for Developers: no more printfs

George Neville-Neil

11:00-12:30 BGP for developers and sysadmins

Peter Hessler

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

DTrace for Developers: no more printfs

George Neville-Neil

13:30-15:00 BGP for developers and sysadmins

Peter Hessler

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

DTrace for Developers: no more printfs

George Neville-Neil

15:30-17:00 BGP for developers and sysadmins

Peter Hessler

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

DTrace for Developers: no more printfs

George Neville-Neil

Friday Karnak Louxor Dendérah
08:30-09:00 Registration & Breakfast
09:00-10:30 Core concepts of ZFS

Michael W. Lucas

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

How to untangle your threads from a giant lock in a multiprocessor system

Taylor R Campbell

11:00-12:30 Core concepts of ZFS

Michael W. Lucas

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

How to untangle your threads from a giant lock in a multiprocessor system

Taylor R Campbell

13:30-15:00 Managing BSD systems with Ansible

Benedict Reuschling

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

How to untangle your threads from a giant lock in a multiprocessor system

Taylor R Campbell

15:30-17:00 Managing BSD systems with Ansible

Benedict Reuschling

An Introduction to the FreeBSD Open-Source Operating System

Marshall Kirk McKusick

How to untangle your threads from a giant lock in a multiprocessor system

Taylor R Campbell